1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1. Boat trip featuring alcohol (5,6)
9. Grow weary (4)
10. Viceroy in the Mughal Empire, subsequently a term for a wealthy westerner in India (5)
11. A date of the current month (4)
12. Having a pattern of squares (7)
14. Chaffy; like chaff (7)
16. Drink made from equal measures of whisky and soda water; from Malay, 'one half' (7)
18. Cylindrical insulated clay oven of India, Pakistan and parts of the Middle East, traditionally used to make flat bread and to cook meat (7)
21. Consign (4)
22. Rage (5)
24. Ex-One Direction member noted as a solo artist for his single Pillowtalk released in 2016 (4)
25. First and longer of the two epochs of the Quaternary period, followed by the Holocene (11)
2. Of, relating to, or derived from oil (5)
3. School of Buddhism (3)
4. Members of a junior branch of the Scout Association (4)
5. Initially, a computer connection port (3)
6. River which flows through Paris, then north-west through France to the English Channel (5)
7. Powerful figure (3,6)
8. Pen name (9)
13. Seventh letter of the Greek alphabet, derived from the Phoenician letter heth (3)
15. Turkish leader (3)
17. Tennis player (5)
19. A baker's one has 13 (5)
20. How the achievement of winning a Grammy, an Emmy, an Oscar and a Tony during a career in show business is known (4)
22. _ MacGraw, actress (3)
23. Gigantic mythological bird described in the Arabian Nights (3)

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